Sunday, January 25, 2009

Anniversary Hike

We decided to go on a hike/snowshoeing celebrating 17 years of marriage. We were really looking for any excuse to go explore and the anniversary excuse seemed fitting. We revisited the hike I completed yesterday with Matt. Thanks again Matt for sharing this route.

Here is the crew on snowshoes and Tyler looking too serious. The temperature was in the upper 30s with a storm heading our way; we could feel the wind velocity increasing while the sun was playing hide and seek. Thankfully for the first part of the hike you climb from 7900 to 8350 allowing the heart rate to increase and keeping us warmer!

We found a decent overlook at the 8350'ish look. The trail would continue on into the Weminuche Wilderness. We have plans to definitely explore this much further! As I mentioned in the picasa editorial. There is something about visiting the mountains, sitting, relaxing, and eating food. Everything tastes, smells, and feels better. Maybe I am an becoming an addict, but I will wear that badge with pride.

Color coordinated, smiling and happy. Once again, what more can you ask for?

To view all pictures taken during this event please visit My Picasa site with editorial comments included.

To view all pictures during the Ozvat Experience, feel free to visit it's parent directory located here.

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