Saturday, November 28, 2009

Winter swimming: Form drills.

We re-started our swim training; however, we are focusing initially on swimming drills. The below video focuses on 5 basic form drills. Over the next month we will focus on more advanced drills. (stand by for those videos!)

I plan on working on form once a week while slowly increasing our distance. Early spring we will work in our speed training.

I took the drills from the Total Immersion philosophy. Feel free to check out the site:

Drill 1
Float on your back, head back, water-line along the side of the goggles, chest and hips up, and a smooth yet quiet kick.

Drill 2 (also called the "Sweet Spot")
Here it is important to turn the body as one unit keeping the knuckles on the hip and at waterline,one goggle partially submerged with a smooth kick, and continuous breathing.

Drill 3 ("Sweet Spot" with extending arm)
Same as drill 2 except for extending your arm keeping the arm below water at approximately 3-4:30 and midline.

Drill 4 (also called the "Fish")
Start on your back, move to Sweet Spot, but this time turn your head underwater while kicking smoothly. When breath is required roll back to the sweet spot. This underwater head position is also the same position when doing the crawl.

Drill 5 ("Sweet Spot/Extended Arm" then underwater switch)
Basically, the same as drill 3 but performing a underwater switch of arms then back to the "Sweet Spot".

Enjoy the video of Tyler learning the drills.

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